We seek to ensure:


Occupational health and safety of our employees and people involved with the production process through preventive actions meeting standards and security patterns;

Our staff health through awareness of alcohol, drug and tobacco consumption;

The environment protection through incentive and development of programs seeking for pollution prevention, as well as identification and managment of environmental aspects, impacts, risks and opportunities;

The environment protection through incentive and development of programs seeking for pollution prevention, as well as identification and managment of environmental aspects, impacts, risks and opportunities;

The continuous improvement of our Quality Management System;

The improvement of our employees, suppliers and the modernization of our facilities in order to meet our client needs.

The entrepreneurs’ initiative to establish a corporation focused in total quality, led the company to already start its activities with a quality program based on the parameters of ABNT ISO 9001:2015 standard – In which we are certified by DNV with the number 160658-2014-AQ-BRA-INMETRO.

EB BOMBAS is also certified by PETROBRAS and ELETRONUCLEAR, which are leading companies in supplier assessment and certification.

The COMPLIANCE PROGRAM meets the legal requirements of the law 12.846/2013 (Brazilian anti-corruption law) with a commitment to conducting business with ethics, integrity and transparency.






Phone: +55 (19) 3429-6804
Service via analyst from Monday to Thursday, from 8 am to 5 pm and Friday from 8 am to 4 pm, and, outside of these hours, via email;
Correspondence: Rua Doutor Plínio Camillo, 585 Galpão A, Distrito Industrial Uninorte – Piracicaba-SP – CEP: 13413081



Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption and Integrated Management System.
